Our Maggie Walker Team

  • Sofia Krahe

    Sofia Krahe is a current freshman at Maggie Walker Governor's School(MLWGS). She is so glad to be the co-president of Sisters Project Peru MLWGS branch. Sisters Project Peru connected her desire to help people and her interests in science and medicine, and inspired her from the moment she joined. In many of her other volunteering endeavors, she helps underprivileged kids in the community learn how to read and do math. She also helps kids with mental or physical disabilities overcome difficulties in order to play the sport that they love: baseball. In her free time over the weekends, she either does volunteer work or expands her medical knowledge by taking online Johns Hopkins programs. The current course she is taking highlights the different areas of medicine and is helping her decide what field she wants to go into as she gets closer to college. At school, she participates in Model United Nations (MUN) and the Spanish Club. The reason she chose the Spanish club is because she has always loved languages. They connect people all over the world. For her, being trilingual allows her to fully immerse herself in the culture and language of her overseas family. She believes MUN allows her to delve into real-world problems which provides many opportunities to build skills in critical problem-solving and communication. The Sister Project Peru ties all of these skills together.

  • Callie Kennedy

    Callie Kennedy is a junior at Maggie Walker. She enjoys volunteering in order to help people, spread awareness, and provide support to other communities. Apart from Sisters Project Peru, she volunteers with Hitting Cancer Below the Belt, Shalom Farms, and RVAccess. Callie loves sports and is a member of the track team and field hockey team at Maggie Walker. In school, she also participates in the Outdoors Club, Spanish Club, and RAMPS. Callie spends her free time shopping, running, traveling, and hanging out with friends and family. She is so happy to be a part of Sisters Project Peru and looks forward to continuing its growth and impact as Co-President next year!

  • Lydia Shields

    Lydia Shields is a Junior at Maggie Walker with a love for learning and helping others. Lydia runs both track and cross country at Maggie Walker and enjoys the experience of being a student athlete. She has done volunteer work with Sports Backers, Third Church Tutoring Program, and Richmond Road Runners. Lydia loves volunteering within the community and finds a lot of joy in helping others. At school she is a part of the Outdoors Club, ASL club, and Students Against Climate Change. Outside of School, Lydia enjoys spending time with family and friends and loves being in nature. Lydia is very excited to see what the future holds for Sisters Project Peru and is thrilled to be a part of the organization as secretary!

  • Haley Taylor

    Haley Taylor is a rising senior at Maggie Walker with a love for the outdoors, learning new things, and reading new books! She is a member of numerous clubs, including Future Medical Professionals, Spanish Club, Consolidated Community Club, Peer Mentors Leader, and the National Honor Society at Maggie Walker. In her free time, she enjoys reading long novels, shopping, baking, spending time with her sisters, and picnicking with her friends. Haley is the group’s treasurer for the year, meaning she will keep track of money raised at fundraisers and brainstorm how to efficiently and effectively raise money for Sister Project Peru! She is looking forward to having amazing fundraisers and growing the club this year.

  • Bhavya Gummadi

    Bhavya Gummadi is a sophomore at Maggie Walker and Sisters Project Peru Communications Manager with a strong dedication to everything she does. She enjoys running as she does cross country and continues with both indoor and outdoor track. She carries this commitment through all aspects of her life, along with school, sports, and her hobbies—striving to excel as much as she can. She tutors elementary school kids in her neighborhood and helps kids from a poor international village learn English. In her free time, she enjoys jamming out to a playlist or rock climbing/hiking with her friends.